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DRC Conflict-Free Sourcing

Faital takes very seriously the worldwide concerns that metals mined in the conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) may be making their way into the electronics supply chain. Faital policy requires that it complies with the expectations in the EICC program by surveying its supply chain partners to gather smelter names, using EICC Conflict Free Smelters only and certify in writing that they do not knowingly procure gold, tantalum, tungsten or tin, from conflict areas of the DRC, for usee in semiconductor products it producces or sells. Based on this, Faital confirms that any of the aforementioned metals utilized by our supply chain and contained in our products are not derived from, or sourced from mines in the conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and are "DRC Conflict-Free"

Download the "DRC Policy" in PDF format

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy

In addition to providing the obvious benefit of growth with sustainable profits, Faital S.p.A. seeks to contribute to the sustainable development of society. To this end, we listen carefully to the wide variety of our stakeholders, working with them as we pursue activities that meet society's needs.

Download the "Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy" in PDF format